How does AML, PEP’s, Sanctions and Compliance work.
The PEP check feature within One Click Verify checks a variety of lists from various governmental and inter-governmental agencies. These lists contain over 366,000 names of known criminals, sanctioned individuals, politically exposed persons and other high-risk individuals and organisations.
A general outline of the data in the lists are provided below.
Politically Exposed Persons lists: These lists contain individuals who are politically engaged in various countries. (e.g Members of the Australian parliament appear on this list.)
Sanction lists: These lists contain individuals who have been sanctioned by governmental or intergovernmental agencies (i.e the Australians Sanctions Consolidated List). Individuals are usually sanctioned because they are deemed to be involved in illegal activities.
This service matches individuals to the lists by data we know which sometimes may only be name only so it is possible for false positives to occur. For example, someone with a common name like Tony Jack will fail the check due to having the same name as (Tony Jack who is an Australian Councillor) and included on this list.
If a person fails a PEP check it is up to the Business Organisation / Individual performing the check to decide the best course of action based on the results. It is suggested that a google search be applied though you can also check the lists we use so you can check their entries in the case of a false positive.
Argentine RePET
Global · Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
Swiss SECO Sanctions/Embargoes
Switzerland · State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Canadian Listed Terrorist Entities
Canada · Public Safety Canada
Kyrgyz National List
Ukraine SFMS Blacklist
Ukraine · Державна служба фінансового моніторингу України (Держфінмоніторинг)
Rosfinmonitoring WMD-related entities
Russia · Rosfinmonitoring
HMT Consolidated List of Targets
United Kingdom · Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation
Kazakh Terror Financing list
Kazakhstan · Қазақстан Республикасының Қаржылық мониторинг агенттігі
French Freezing of Assets
France · Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Recovery
US Trade Consolidated Screening List (CSL)
United States · Department of the Commerce – International Trade Administration
Japan Economic sanctions and list of eligible people
Japan · Ministry of Finance
EU Financial Sanctions Files (FSF)
European Union · European External Action Service
Ukraine National Security Sanctions
Ukraine · National Security and Defense Council
South African Targeted Financial Sanctions
Global · Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC)
Israel Terrorists Organizations and Unauthorized Associations lists789
Israel · National Bureau for Counter Terror Financing
US OFAC Consolidated (non-SDN) List
United States · Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
Canadian Special Economic Measures Act Sanctions
Canada · Global Affairs Canada
Australian Sanctions Consolidated List
Australia · Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions
Global · United Nations Security Council (UN SC)
US BIS Denied Persons List
United States · Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)
US OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List
United States · Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
CIA World Leaders
United States · Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Members of the European Commitee of the Regions
European Union · European Committee of the Regions
Every Politician
Global · MySociety (UK Citizens Online Democracy)
Members of the European Parliament
European Union · European Parliament
Peppercat Legislators
Global ·
Peppercat World Leaders
Global ·
African Development Bank Debarred Entities
Global · African Development Bank Group
UNOPS Vendor Sanctions
Global · United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
WorldBank Debarred Providers
Global · World Bank
INTERPOL Red Notices
Inter-American Development Bank Sanctions991
Global · Inter-American Development Bank
EBRD Ineligible entities
Global · European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Asian Development Bank Sanctions
Global · Asian Development Bank
UK Companies House Disqualified Directors
United Kingdom · The Insolvency Service